14 April, 2008

Blast from the past

***Disclaimer: Just wanted to let you know I have been very busy the last few days and I have fallen deleriously behind on my posts. If I am correct there will be a new post everyday this week. Please bear with me as I get caught up and enjoy!***

Dear Friends,

A few days ago my good friend Peter Edalere made the journey across the pond to the United Kingdom. Peter and I worked together and became mates at the Texas Driving Experience, the corvette racing school at Texas Motor Speedway.

Peter recently became a proud daddy and traveled with his wife and baby girl to visit his brother who lives in Essex (just east of London) to show off the baby. I took the train from Northampton to london and arrived with a bit of extra time before Peter and I met up. I took advantage of the time and did a bit of exploring, absolutely lost, with no 'tourist guide' in one of the most incredible cities in the world.

London, to me, is incomprehensibile. Around every corner there is something completely new, unique, different and in no way resembles what was on the last road. My day in London barely scratched the surface of what I believe is one of the most international cities in the world. Please enjoy a few of the photos from my day in the capital.

After a few hours of destination unknown site seeing, Peter arrived and we met up and went for some truly non classic british food, pizza. It was truly a delight getting to see my old friend, hopefully I will be able to meet up with some of you reading this in the UK soon!

Hope you are having a brilliant Monday and looking forward to the week.

Warmest regards


PS: The remaining posts this week will be about RACING exclusively, except of course for the ones which are not

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